How much does it cost to appear in Times Square?

How much does it cost to appear in Times Square?

Times Square is one of the most iconic locations in New York City, and a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. But did you ever wonder how much it costs to appear in Times Square?

The cost of appearing in Times Square depends on the type of appearance you’re interested in. If you’re looking to advertise, the cost can range from thousands to millions of dollars. For example, a 30-second spot during the Super Bowl costs a minimum of $5 million. If you are looking to appear in a static billboard display, the cost can range from $10,000 to $50,000 per month.

You can also rent some of the most iconic displays in Times Square for special events. For example, the Toshiba sign near the heart of Times Square is available to rent for $250,000 per day. The cost of renting the display includes staff to operate it, up to two hours of programming, and advertising rights to the space.

Another option is to rent a building-sized LED display, which typically costs around $120,000 per month, plus an additional fee for content creation and programming. This is the most expensive option, but it’s also the most impressive – you can be sure to turn heads with this type of display.

If you’re looking for a less expensive option, you can always rent a display in the pedestrian plazas in Times Square. These displays typically cost around $2500 per day, plus additional fees for setup and programming. This option is a great way to get your message out to the public without breaking the bank.

No matter what type of display you’re looking for, appearing in Times Square is sure to be an unforgettable experience. Whether it’s an expensive advertisement or a more affordable display, it’s sure to make an impact.

How much does it cost to appear in Times Square?

Cost of Advertising in Times Square

Are you interested in advertising in Times Square? Times Square is one of the most iconic locations in the world and has become a symbol of success for many companies. But how much does it cost to appear in Times Square?

The cost of advertising in the world-famous Times Square can range from tens of thousands of dollars to millions. The exact cost of Times Square advertising depends on the size of the ad, the length of time it will be displayed, and the amount of competition for space. The larger and longer the ad is displayed, the more it will cost. The cost of Times Square advertising can also vary based on the season and the type of ad.

Ads can be displayed on billboards, video screens, and other mediums in Times Square, and each has its own cost. Billboard ads in Times Square can cost from $10,000 to $1 million per month, while video screen ads can range from $50,000 to $2 million per month. Ads can also be displayed on bus shelters and other mediums, with prices ranging from $750 to $30,000 per month.

For companies that are interested in advertising in Times Square, there are several factors to consider. For example, a company might choose to purchase a larger, more expensive ad to get more visibility, or a company might choose to purchase multiple smaller ads to gain more exposure in a shorter time period. Companies should also be aware of the amount of competition for space, as this can affect the cost of advertising.

In addition to the cost of advertising, there are also other fees associated with Times Square advertising. Companies may need to pay for licensing, permits, and insurance, as well as fees to hire vendors to install and maintain the ad. Companies will also need to factor in the cost of creating the ad, such as graphic design and printing.

If you’re interested in advertising in Times Square, here is a summary of the estimated costs:

Ad TypeCost Range
Billboard Ads$10,000 – $1 million/month
Video Screen Ads$50,000 – $2 million/month
Bus Shelter Ads$750 – $30,000/month

As you can see, the cost of advertising in Times Square can be quite expensive. However, it can also be a great way to gain visibility and reach a large audience. If your company is interested in advertising in Times Square, it’s important to consider the cost, as well as the benefits that it can bring.

How much does it cost to appear in Times Square? 2

What Does it Cost to Be Seen in Times Square?

Times Square, one of the most iconic destinations in New York City, is world-famous for its bright neon lights, massive billboards and plethora of attractions. It’s an exciting and vibrant place to visit, and many businesses want to take advantage of its impressive visibility in order to get their name out there. So, how much does it cost to be seen in Times Square?

The cost of appearing in Times Square depends on how long you want your advertisement to be displayed. A one-month minimum is typically required, and prices can range from $50,000 for a single billboard to $30 million for a full-year campaign. The size and positioning of the advertisement will also affect the cost. Typically, the most expensive advertising locations are those on the approaches to the Square or on the square itself, while more cost-effective options can be found farther away from the area.

In addition to the cost of the advertisement itself, there are other fees associated with appearing in Times Square. These include production costs, permits and other legal fees. It is also important to consider the costs associated with maintaining the advertisement throughout its entire time in the Square, such as lighting, repairs and insurance.

The below table outlines some of the likely costs associated with appearing in Times Square.

Advertising CostsCost of displaying advertisement in Times Square$50,000 – $30 million
Production CostsCost of designing and producing advertisement$15,000 – $50,000
Permits & Legal FeesCost of obtaining necessary permits and legal advice$2,000 – $15,000
Maintenance CostsCost of maintaining advertisement over its entire time in the Square$2,500 – $10,000

Overall, the cost of appearing in Times Square can be quite substantial. However, it can be a great way to get your business noticed and draw in potential customers. It is important to consider all of the associated costs when deciding whether or not to advertise in Times Square.


What is the cost of appearing in Times Square?

The cost of appearing in Times Square varies depending on the type of advertisement, the length of time it will be displayed, and the size of the advertisement.

What factors determine the cost of appearing in Times Square?

The cost of appearing in Times Square is affected by the type of advertisement, the length of time it will be displayed, and the size of the advertisement.

How much will it cost to display a billboard in Times Square?

The cost of displaying a billboard in Times Square depends on the size of the billboard, its location, and the length of time it will be displayed.

Does the cost of appearing in Times Square change depending on the day of the week?

The cost of appearing in Times Square is not dependent on the day of the week.

Can I negotiate the cost of appearing in Times Square?

Yes, you may be able to negotiate the cost of appearing in Times Square depending on the type of advertisement, the length of time it will be displayed, and the size of the advertisement.

What is the minimum cost to appear in Times Square?

The minimum cost to appear in Times Square varies depending on the type of advertisement, the length of time it will be displayed, and the size of the advertisement.

How often can I appear in Times Square?

The frequency of appearing in Times Square depends on the type of advertisement, the length of time it will be displayed, and the size of the advertisement.

How can I pay for an advertisement in Times Square?

Payment for an advertisement in Times Square can be made by credit card, check, or wire transfer.

What kind of advertisements are accepted in Times Square?

Times Square accepts a wide variety of advertisements, including digital billboards, LED displays, video screens, and more.

Do I need a permit to appear in Times Square?

Yes, you will need a permit from the outdoor advertising company to appear in Times Square.
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